The Nikolai Quarter in Berlin Center

The Nikolai Quarter is the cradle of Berlin. It thrills visitors as an historical old town and as a creative quarter. Guaranteed 365 days of exciting things to do.

Visitors flock to events such as the Nikolai Festival or the Berlin Book Festival, or to the oldest church, the shortest cobblestoned street, the most beautiful spot, the most-photographed monument, or famous personalities.

Strolling along historical streets free of cars. Go on a relaxed shopping tour for things you won't find anywhere else.

District Portal Nikolai Quarter Berlin »

City tours

Stadtführungen Berlin center

Bike tours

Fahrradtouren Berlin center

Nikolai Quarter

Berlin Nikolai quarter

Boat tours

Schiffstour Berlin


Hotel Berlin center Nikolai quarter

Nutzen Sie unseren Flughafen-Taxi-Service Festival of Lights Berlin - Film tripadvisor bewertet die Gerichtslaube Berlin mit 4,5 von 5 Punkten! Historiale Berlin - Gerichtslaube Film Platz 1 in der Kategorie Berliner Küche bei top10berlin Tourist Information Berlin
Nikolai quarter Berlin center
Berliner Wappen und Inschrift: Seit anno 1270